Number of farmed animals killed

The number of animals killed in Uganda per year for meat, fish or shellfish

Animals killed in Uganda
Land animals1 animals2Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics – Yearbook 2021
Chickens – 52,695,000Wild Fish – 621,987 tonnes (no data on number of individual fish)
Goats – 3,021,985Farmed Fish – 138,558 tonnes (no data on number of individual fish)
Pigs – 2,091,065
Cattle (cows and buffaloes) – 1,207,111
Sheep – 47,000

The number of animals killed in the world each year for meat, fish or shellfish

Land animalsAquatic animals
Chickens – 73,791,052,000Wild Fish – 790 billion to 2.3 trillion*
Turkeys – 603,557,000Farmed Fish – 51 to 167 billion fish*
Sheep and Lambs – 617,255,637Shellfish – many trillions*
Pigs – 1,400,092,105
Cattle – 331,952,042
Ducks – 4,309,522,000
Goose and Guinea Fowl – 748,725,000
Goats – 500,872,786
Horses – 4,595,650
Rabbits – 572,120,000

* Fish and shellfish counts do not include ~23 billion animals killed as bycatch (sea creatures unintentionally caught and released, often dead or fatally injured) nor ~68 billion feed fish (small fish fed to other fish farmed for human consumption).3
