Broiler chickens

Broiler chickens in Uganda are typically slaughtered at just 5 to 7 weeks of age. Although still babies, they are the size of obese adults due to being made to grow much too fast.

Egg-laying hens

Egg-laying hens face many challenges in Uganda. From poor housing, inadequate nutrition and an increased risk of disease and injury.


Whether kept on a small family farm or in an intensive system, goats farmed for milk and meat face abhorrent cruelty in their short lives.

Beef cattle

Around 25 per cent of Uganda’s population farms cows for beef on some scale and beef farming occurs across the entire country.

Dairy cows

There are an estimated 14.7 million dairy cows in Uganda, a number that trebled between 2000 and 2016.

Spotted hyena

There are an estimated 27,000 to 47,000 hyenas in the wild and these numbers are steadily decreasing.


There are 115,000-130,000 hippos left in Africa but their numbers are decreasing at a horrifying rate.


Warthogs get their name from three wart-like bumps on their head which are actually fatty lumps that protect them during fights.


Domesticated cats face many challenges as a lot of Ugandans hold the archaic and unjustified belief that cats are evil.