Is veganism better for animals?

Obviously, yes! Billions of animals endure terrible suffering every year for food and dairy so by going vegan you are making a stand against this injustice.

Globally more than 80 billion land animals are farmed for their meat, milk, and eggs every year.

FAOSTAT, 2022 1UN FAOSTAT food and agriculture data:

Globally, trillions of wild fish, farmed fish and shellfish are killed every year.

Fishcount, 2019 2Fishcount 2019.

There are at least 20 billion chickens alive in the world at any one time – that’s almost three times the number of humans.

Bailey et al., 2014 3Bailey R, Froggatt A and Wellesley L. 2014. Livestock – climate change’s forgotten sector. Chatham House.

Tens of billions of animals endure short, miserable lives in factory farms where the priority is profit above all else.

Compassion in World Farming, 2022 4Compassion in World Farming International. 2022. Ending factory farming – Animal cruelty.

Every year, over one billion chickens, 12 million turkeys, 13 million sheep and lambs, 10 million pigs, 2.7 million cows and 10 million ducks and geese are slaughtered in the UK for human consumption.

FAOSTAT, 20172 5UN FAOSTAT food and agriculture data:

Every year up to 2.7 billion wild fish, 77 million farmed fish and 4.4 billion shellfish are slaughtered in the UK for human consumption. These numbers do not include bycatch.

Animal Clock, 2022 6Animal Clock annual UK animal slaughter stats.
