A-Z of diseases


It’s time to go vegan! You don’t need meat, fish, eggs or dairy in your diet.

Meat, fish eggs and dairy are all linked to health problems and they play a major role in all our biggest killers; diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The obesity epidemic is driven by fatty meat, chicken, sausages, pies, milk, cheese, cream, butter and lard as well as pastry, cakes, biscuits, sweets and milk chocolate.

As the typical Western diet spreads around the world, replacing traditional plant-based diets, it takes Western diseases with it – diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer and prostate cancer. A wide range of diseases that typically affect animals can infect humans when infected animals are killed and eaten. And which foods cause most food poisoning? You’ve guessed it – meat takes the gold medal with cheese and fish taking silver and bronze!

There are no nutrients in meat and dairy that can’t be found in a varied vegan diet. You are much better of getting healthy fats, plant protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals from fruit, vegetables, wholegrain foods, pulses (peas, beans and lentils), nuts and seeds.

  • Anthrax
    Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by bacteria called Bacillus anthracis. These bacteria live in the soil and both domestic and wild animals can get infected by them. It mainly… Continue reading Anthrax
  • Avian influenza (bird flu)
    Avian influenza (or bird flu) is a disease of birds caused by viruses. There are several strains (types) of the bird flu virus and the symptoms in birds vary from… Continue reading Avian influenza (bird flu)
  • Cervical cancer
    Cervical cancer is a type of cancer – an abnormal and dangerous growth of cells – which starts in the cervix. The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the… Continue reading Cervical cancer
  • Cholera
    Cholera is disease caused by bacteria called Vibrio cholerae and can cause a range of symptoms from mild to severe. The onset of the disease is quick and about one in 10… Continue reading Cholera
  • Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever
    Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a severe tick-borne illness that causes a number of severe symptoms and may result in death – up to 40 per cent of infected… Continue reading Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever
  • Diarrhoeal disease
    Diarrhoeal disease is among the leading causes of death in young children. It can be life-threatening for adults too but children are more vulnerable. Diarrhoea that is severe and/or lasts… Continue reading Diarrhoeal disease
  • Ebola
    Ebola Virus Disease is a serious infectious disease that is often fatal in humans. The first symptoms include fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. Then, the symptoms become… Continue reading Ebola
  • Hantavirus
    There are many types of hantavirus throughout the world and they can cause a range of diseases in people. Some hantaviruses cause haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), while others… Continue reading Hantavirus
  • Heart disease
    Heart disease is a term used to talk about cardiovascular disease (CVD) and describes a chronic disease of the heart and blood vessels. The main issue the disease brings is… Continue reading Heart disease
  • Hepatitis A
    Hepatitis A is a disease caused by the hepatitis A virus and affects mainly the liver. It causes liver inflammation which brings a range of symptoms that may include fever,… Continue reading Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
    Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. If you get infected, you can develop acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) form of the disease. The incubation period… Continue reading Hepatitis B
  • HIV and AIDS
    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks white blood cells – the main units of your immune system. As a result, it makes your immune system weaker, which makes you prone to… Continue reading HIV and AIDS
  • Influenza (Flu)
    Influenza, usually just called flu, is a very contagious illness caused by influenza viruses which originated in birds (avian influenza). The deadly Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 killed an estimated… Continue reading Influenza (Flu)
  • Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency)
    Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition – people with kwashiorkor are deficient in protein and as well as some vitamins and minerals. Protein is absolutely essential for good health because… Continue reading Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency)
  • Lower respiratory infections
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Malaria
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Marburg virus
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Measles
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Meningitis
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Rabies
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Rift Valley fever
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Stroke
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Tuberculosis
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Typhoid
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.
  • Yellow fever
    Like other B vitamins, thiamine helps release energy from your food and deficiency can lead to many health problems. Find out which foods contain this important B vitamin.