Health conditions

  • Heart disease and stroke

    Heart disease and stroke

    Find out how you can prevent and even reverse heart disease and stroke simply by changing your diet. Heart disease and stroke are among Uganda’s biggest killers. Smoking, lack of…

  • High cholesterol

    High cholesterol

    We all need some cholesterol in our bodies to keep them working normally but too much can clog up our arteries and lead to serious health problems. By making some…

  • High blood pressure

    High blood pressure

    One in four adults in Uganda have high blood pressure (hypertension) but only eight per cent are aware of it. If left untreated, high blood pressure increases the risk of…

  • Cancer


    Cancer is a chronic disease in which cells in your body grow abnormally and spread to other parts of body. Most cancers are named for where they start. For example,…

  • Diabetes


    Diabetes is a condition caused by the pancreas either not producing enough of the hormone insulin, or failing to produce any of it at all. It can also be caused…

  • Obesity


    The global obesity epidemic is a growing problem! Obesity can lead to a wide range of diseases from diabetes to heart disease. Meat and dairy products are a leading source…