Viva! Uganda’s groundbreaking “Would You Swap” campaign is touring universities! It is for students – designed to foster empathy and compassion by asking the thought-provoking question, “Would you swap places with me?”

Through the use of Virtual Reality (VR), participants are immersed in the experiences of animals who suffer in various industries, such as factory farming. This VR experience allows them to see, hear, and feel the fear and pain that animals endure daily, creating a deep, personal connection and challenging the way people view and treat animals.
If a student’s answer is “no, I wouldn’t want to swap places with a farmed animal” we then ask “well, would you instead swap your food? Choose delicious plant foods instead of meat.” The campaign encourages personal responsibility for their choices. It highlights how adopting a plant-based lifestyle is not only about personal health, but also about reducing animal suffering and making more sustainable choices for the planet. The Would You Swap campaign is inspiring students to shift towards a more compassionate way of living.