In the heart of Africa’s rugged embrace sits the iconic mountain gorilla, one of our closest primate relatives of which we share 98% of our DNA! These gentle guardians of Uganda’s rainforests are extremely intelligent, very communicative and have advanced problem-solving abilities.
Yet they are critically endangered; ever since their discovery mountain gorillas have faced poaching, civil wars, deforestation and persistent encroachment on their territory at the hands of humans. This has led to a drastic fall in their wild population, hitting a low of 254 in 1981, with today’s population sitting at just 1,063. The mountain gorilla is in danger from poachers and through encroachment and habitat loss from the illegal forest trade, often forcing them to migrate through areas that poachers frequent.
Uganda is home to half of the mountain gorillas left on our planet. We must protect them.
And although it is people who have been the mountain gorillas biggest threat to survival, it is by working with the local community that offers their best hope.
Protecting the protectors
This is why Viva! is collaborating with HUGO (Human & Gorilla Conflict Resolution teams), with the fantastic collaboration of the Uganda Wildlife Authority, to supply the much-needed equipment to the wonderful volunteers who protect the critically endangered mountain gorillas in Bwindi National Park.
Not only are we supplying vital equipment but Viva!’s Gorilla Defenders are helping support the training of over 100 HUGO volunteers in gorilla behaviour, tracking and containment, keeping the great apes securely within the forest areas where they can be protected, to ensure the gorillas aren’t exposed to local poachers or other human-wildlife conflict. The HUGO volunteers are also trained to monitor the health of the gorillas, looking for signs of sickness and to collect faecal samples for testing.
Yet, these volunteers, charged with such an important task are underequipped, trekking in worn down boots and tattered coats, lacking walkie talkies while having to brave the wilderness with little protection due to a lack of tents when tracking prevents them from going home at night. Viva! Uganda was invited to help the mountain gorillas though supporting HUGO, by the UWA, to get the necessary equipment for the volunteers to be able to protect the gorillas to the best of their ability.
The power of your support
We have already supplied the first 70 HUGO volunteers with waterproof gear, plus stationery and other field equipment – but we still need to equip the other half!
In such a short time we have already been able to accomplish so much – all because of the support of people like you. Our initial campaign raised about £15,000 – enough to purchase field equipment for half of the 140 HUGO volunteers.
Your donations have already bought:
Rainproof Gear: 80 insulating jackets, 80 rainproof coats and trousers, 80 pairs of gumboots
Preventative Materials: 200 boxes of surgical gloves
Stationery: 180 pens, 30 hardback tracking journals
Field Equipment: 80 water bottles, a £1,272 field camera, 20 camping tents, 40 torches, 80 flasks with lunchboxes, 20 backpacks, 20 stress-relief tools, 20 first aid kits, 6 data collection tablets
Your donations have such a huge impact – not only for the gorillas but for the people protecting them.
We have distributed equipment directly to the men who need it and they were overjoyed to be recognised, acknowledged but most of all, helped!

“I am overjoyed. I thank you. Please send my gracious appreciation to the UK.” – Joseph
“This makes me happy; all your help is very well received.” – David
“I will now be warm when I meet my fellow gorillas. Their conservation is very important to me.” – George
This collaborative project is managed on the ground by Viva! staff who ensure that the equipment arrives on time and that everything goes where it’s needed; with every piece of equipment making the HUGO volunteers jobs easier.
On top of supplying equipment, Viva! Uganda and HUGO will be running an informative campaign in local dialects around Bwindi National Park to ensure that local communities support the protection of the beloved mountain gorillas.
Although we have already achieved so much, there is still a lot to do. Half of the HUGO volunteers received nothing! Let’s put this right.
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