Why animals products harm

  • Why Animal Products Harm – Meat

    Why Animal Products Harm – Meat

    You don’t need to eat meat. In fact, cutting meat out of your diet can do you a lot of good because humans are not true carnivores and meat-eating has…

  • Why Animal Products Harm – Dairy

    Why Animal Products Harm – Dairy

    Cow’s milk and dairy products are not natural foods for people – we are best suited to drinking breastmilk as babies only. Consuming dairy products made from the milk of…

  • Why Animal Products Harm – Eggs

    Why Animal Products Harm – Eggs

    Regardless of confused media messages, the facts remain; eggs are not healthy. Egg consumption has been linked to heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and food poisoning. Cutting…

  • Why Animal Products Harm – Fish

    Why Animal Products Harm – Fish

    Fish is not a health food by any means. Widespread pollution makes fish and shellfish so dangerous to eat that health experts recommend limits for their consumption. Fish oil is…