Genesis Butler is an inspirational teen who’s been standing up for animals for about as long as she’s been able to stand up.
Category: Celebrities
Priya Sawhney
Priya Sawhney is the co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere and made headlines when she disrupted Jeff Bezos.
Paul Watson
Paul Watson is the founder of Sea Shepherd, a conservation organisation using direct action to oppose illegal fishing and whaling.
Milo Runkle
Milo Runkle’s activism began with open rescues before going on to found Mercy For Animals.
Anita Krajnc
Anita Krajnc is the co-founder of Toronto Pig Save and the Executive Director of the global Animal Save Movement.
Ronnie Lee
Ronnie Lee founded the notorious UK Animal Liberation Front.
Tiphaine Lagarde
Tiphaine Lagarde is a French anti-speciesist activist and co-founder of 269 Liberation Animale.
Victoria Featherstone-Pearce
Victoria Featherstone-Pearce is one half of the K-9 Angels and went vegan after hearing Juliet Gellatley talk about the dark side of dairy.
Jo-Anne McArthur
JoAnne McArthur’s impactful investigative photographs of exploited animals have helped expose the cruelty imposed on them by humanity.