Christopher Sebastian

Photo: YouTube

Christopher Sebastian’s activism focuses on how human relationships with other animals shape our attitudes about race, sexuality, and class.

Mel Broughton

Photo: Shutterstock

Mel Broughton has been fighting for animals for decades, with focused pressure campaigns against vivisection.

Joey Carbstrong

Photo: Twitter

Joey Carbstrong is a former gang member turned animal activist.

Dan Harris

American anchorman and meditation proponent Dan Harris became vegan as part of his Buddhist practice to reduce suffering.

Colin Mace

Photo credit: Booja-Booja

Colin Mace is the founder of Booja-Booja, maker of high quality vegan truffles and ice cream.

Willem Blom

Willem Blom is a Dutch vegan entrepreneur and “impact investor” – helping new plant-based businesses make an impact.

Seth Tibbott

Photo credit: Tofurky

Seth Tibbott, the creator of Tofurky, has been veggie since 1972 and vegan since 2011.

Gunhild Stordalen

Photo credit: Eat Forum

Gunhild Stordalen believes a plant-based diet can solve many of the world’s environmental issues.

Derek & Chad Sarno

Derek and Chad Sarno are the plant-powered brothers behind Tesco’s Wicked Healthy and Good Catch food ranges.